Impact of “Wonder” movie on society

Stephen Chbosky directed the movie “Wonder,” a touching family drama that has resonated with viewers globally. Adapted from R.J. Palacio’s popular novel, the film follows the journey of August “Auggie” Pullman, a boy with a facial condition who starts attending a regular school. With its powerful acting, uplifting message, and engaging story, “Wonder” goes beyond being just a movie. In this article, we’ll delve into why “Wonder” is so important and how it resonates with you.


“Wonder” movie review (photo credit: YouTube)

Impact of “Wonder” movie on society

In the movie “Wonder,” you’ll meet Auggie Pullman (played by Jacob Tremblay), a ten-year-old boy born with Treacher Collins syndrome. This genetic condition impacts how the face develops. Auggie has been taught at home by his mom, Isabel (portrayed by Julia Roberts). Now, Auggie encounters a fresh obstacle: going to Beecher Prep, a regular school, for the very first time. The movie shows Auggie’s journey and the things he goes through.

The tale unfolds through various viewpoints, such as Auggie’s sister Via (played by Izabela Vidovic), his parents Isabel and Nate (portrayed by Owen Wilson), and his pals Jack Will (Noah Jupe) and Summer (Millie Davis). This storytelling approach offers a comprehensive look at how Auggie’s experiences affect those close to him. It highlights the key messages of empathy, compassion, and the significance of seeing beyond the surface.

The acting in the movie “Wonder” is outstanding. Each actor truly embodies their character with authenticity and depth. Jacob Tremblay, playing Auggie, stands out with a fantastic portrayal that showcases Auggie’s vulnerability, strength, and resilience. Even under heavy makeup and prosthetics, Tremblay’s performance is moving and real, making it easy for you to relate to Auggie’s story on a personal level.

In the movie, Julia Roberts and Owen Wilson play Auggie’s parents, Isabel and Nate. They deliver powerful performances that shine a light on the ups and downs of raising a child with special needs. Roberts embodies a devoted and resolute mother, while Wilson portrays a nurturing and supportive father, bringing heart and genuineness to the story.

Izabela Vidovic, playing Via, really stands out in her performance, showing the challenges that siblings of kids with disabilities often face. She beautifully depicts Via’s quest to find herself and cope with feelings of being ignored with care and complexity.

The additional actors, such as Noah Jupe playing Jack Will, Millie Davis as Summer, and Mandy Patinkin in the role of Mr. Tushman, the principal, enhance the movie’s impact. They bring depth and realism to the story, making it more engaging for you.

“Wonder” touches on various themes that deeply connect with viewers, making it a movie that carries significant social and emotional weight.

  1. Kindness and Empathy: “\”Wonder\” is all about kindness and empathy. The movie shows how crucial it is to treat everyone with respect and empathy, no matter how different they are. Auggie’s experiences demonstrate how even small acts of kindness can make a big difference in people’s lives and communities.”
  2. Acceptance and Inclusion: “Wonder” spreads the idea of accepting and including others, urging people to see beyond looks and value the special traits in everyone. The movie questions common beliefs and biases, supporting a world that is more open and caring.
  3. Family and Friendship: The movie emphasizes how crucial family and friends are when dealing with life’s difficulties. Auggie finds support and strength from his loved ones, helping him confront challenges. It also shows how vital unconditional love and backing are for building resilience and belief in yourself.
  4. Resilience and Courage: Auggie’s story shows how important it is to be strong and brave to achieve your goals, no matter what difficulties come your way. The movie encourages you to accept what makes you special and to tackle problems with courage and determination.
  5. Perspective and Understanding: By showing the tale through different viewpoints, the movie “Wonder” prompts you to see and relate to what others go through. It demonstrates that everyone faces their own difficulties, promoting more empathy and caring among people.

“Wonder” is an exceptional movie achievement, telling a touching story that deeply connects with viewers of every age. The film sensitively and realistically depicts a child with a facial difference, shedding light on the hurdles people with disabilities encounter. It spreads a message of acceptance and unity, encouraging everyone to embrace differences and include others.

The success of the movie also shows how crucial it is to have diversity in media. In “Wonder,” having a main character with a facial difference breaks stereotypes and encourages a more inclusive depiction of different life experiences. The positive feedback and influence of the film highlight the significance of sharing narratives that represent the varied aspects of human life.

“Wonder” really stands out in how well it handles its technical side, giving you a visually appealing and emotionally powerful experience. The makeup and prosthetics used to bring Auggie to life look very real and respectful, making Jacob Tremblay’s acting really shine without any distractions. The movie’s cinematography does a great job of capturing the emotional depth of the story by using close-up shots and careful framing to show you what the characters are feeling inside.

The movie script, worked on by Jack Thorne, Steven Conrad, and Stephen Chbosky, remains faithful to R.J. Palacio’s book while effectively bringing its ideas and messages to life on screen. The conversations are sincere and genuine, adding to the movie’s emotional power.

Marcelo Zarvos did an excellent job composing the music and score for this movie. The soundtrack really adds to the emotional scenes and makes the whole viewing experience better. It includes both original pieces and carefully selected songs that fit well with the movie’s themes.

The movie “Wonder” has touched many people and sparked conversations about being kind, accepting others, and including everyone. Its uplifting message and characters that feel real have really connected with viewers. It makes you think about how you treat others and how you can be more understanding and open-minded.

The movie “Wonder” has sparked crucial discussions about how people with disabilities are shown in movies. By having a main character with a unique facial feature, the film breaks stereotypes and encourages a more inclusive depiction of different life stories. The film’s triumph shows how significant it is to share narratives that mirror the varied human experiences and highlight the need for diverse representation in the media.

Apart from touching the hearts of viewers, the movie “Wonder” has sparked various efforts and drives to encourage kindness and understanding. Schools and groups have taken inspiration from the film and its messages to spark conversations and events centered on stopping bullying, fostering inclusivity, and highlighting the value of treating everyone with dignity.

movie trailer

In conclusion, “Wonder” is a movie that you shouldn’t miss, especially if you’re into heartwarming stories. It’s perfect for families, teachers, or anyone who appreciates tales that uplift the human soul. This film raises the bar for family-oriented dramas, demonstrating how movies can motivate us and bring about good things. Whether you love great acting, deep themes, or a well-told narrative, “Wonder” has it all. After watching this movie, you’ll find yourself thinking about its message and realizing how crucial empathy and kindness are in building a more welcoming and understanding community.

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Frequently ask question

What are the social issues in the movie Wonder?

The film “Wonder,” directed by Stephen Chbosky in 2017, focuses on kindness, embracing individual differences, and addressing bullying. It is based on the popular New York Times Bestselling book by R. J. Palacio.

What is the main message of Wonder movie?

In the film, you’ll find some great messages about being kind, valuing people for who they are, not how they appear, and real friendship. It also touches on empathy, compassion, and not giving up. Expect some scuffles between tweens and teens and some emotional scenes dealing with loss.

What disabilities does Auggie have in Wonder?

Starting middle school when you’re the new student can be tough. But for Auggie Pullman, the protagonist in the popular book Wonder by R.J. Palacio, it’s more than just difficult – it’s truly scary. Auggie deals with Treacher Collins syndrome, a unique condition that leads to significant facial deformities.

What is the moral story of Wonder movie?

Remember, it’s crucial not to judge someone based on how they look. This is a valuable lesson from the movie. At first, Auggie faces judgment from his peers because of his facial deformity.

What is the main problem Auggie faces in Wonder?

The movie’s main character, August “Auggie” Pullman, is a 10-year-old boy with a facial difference called mandibulofacial dystosis, also known as Treacher Collins syndrome. This genetic disorder typically impacts the cheekbones, jaw, chin, and ears, and you can see its effects through Auggie’s experiences.

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