“Ripley” Series Review: A Deep Dive into Patricia Highsmith’s Iconic Character

In the new TV series “Ripley,” based on Patricia Highsmith’s famous books, you get a unique view of Tom Ripley. He’s a complicated character known for his charm, cleverness, and questionable morals, making him a favorite with viewers over the years. Steve Zaillian created this series, with Andrew Scott taking on the lead role. The show explores Ripley’s mind in depth, giving you a detailed and exciting story that stands out in today’s TV shows. In this blog post, we’re going to talk about why the “Ripley” series is so important. We’ll take a closer look at its story, acting, themes, and how it has influenced both the audience and the genre.


“Ripley” Series Review: (Photo credit: Netflix/ YouTube)

“Ripley” Series Review: A Deep Dive into Patricia Highsmith’s Iconic Character

In the “Ripley” series, you’ll dive into the life of Tom Ripley, a clever and charming man with limited resources. His story kicks off when he’s tasked by a rich man to head to Italy and convince his son, Dickie Greenleaf (played by Johnny Flynn), to come back home. What seems like an easy job quickly spirals into a sinister story of lies, stolen identities, and homicide.

As Tom gets deeper into Dickie’s life, he becomes obsessed with Dickie’s lifestyle and starts wanting it for himself. The story guides you through a thrilling ride of suspense and psychological mystery as Tom’s behavior becomes more risky and morally unclear.

Andrew Scott’s depiction of Tom Ripley is truly captivating. As you may recognize from his appearances in “Fleabag” and “Sherlock,” Scott infuses the character with a captivating mix of charm and danger. This portrayal brings out Ripley’s duality, showcasing his charismatic exterior alongside his inner struggles. Scott’s skill in expressing intricate feelings and drives gives Ripley a profound quality, making his development throughout the story engaging and realistic.

"Ripley" Series Review:

“Ripley” Series Review: (Photo credit: Netflix/ YouTube)

In the movie, Dakota Fanning, who plays Marge Sherwood, Dickie’s girlfriend, really shines. She brings out a mix of vulnerability and strength in her role, which contrasts well with Tom’s manipulative behavior. Johnny Flynn also impresses as Dickie Greenleaf, showing the character’s carefree and entitled side, along with his darker, more intricate personality layers.

The “Ripley” series delves deep into themes that probe the shadowy corners of human behavior, social standards, and who we are. A key aspect is the concept of identity and how far people will go to shape and preserve their chosen identity. Tom Ripley’s story vividly illustrates this idea, as he continuously transforms himself, sometimes resorting to dishonesty and manipulation.

One key aspect worth noting is the moral uncertainty surrounding human behavior. The show pushes you to consider your own moral values while observing Tom’s decisions. Even though Tom’s conduct can be quite questionable at times, his charisma and cleverness create a dilemma, making it hard to outrightly criticize him. This situation compels viewers to deal with the intricate nature of ethics.

In the series, there’s a focus on class and privilege. When Tom feels jealous of Dickie’s life, it shows the big differences between those with and without money, and how being rich and having status can change people. The beautiful places in Italy where the story happens contrast the characters’ moral decline, creating an interesting mix of beauty and corruption.

Regarding technical aspects, “Ripley” really shines with its top-notch production quality. The camera work beautifully showcases the rich scenery and luxurious locations of Italy, setting a visually striking stage for the mysterious and complex storyline. The meticulous set design and costumes pay close attention to detail, fully engaging viewers in the 1960s atmosphere and enhancing the authenticity of the narrative.

The series takes its time to unfold, creating a gradual build-up that keeps you on edge and intrigued. As each episode reveals more about Tom’s inner thoughts, you get pulled further into his intricate life. The clever use of music and sound adds to the tension, making you feel uneasy yet eager for what’s next.

"Ripley" Series Review:

“Ripley” Series Review: (Photo credit: Netflix/ YouTube)

In the world of TV dramas, “Ripley” shines because it mixes in-depth psychology with exciting plot turns. It gives you a close look at characters that are both captivating and disturbing, pushing you to understand a main character who walks the line between right and wrong. The show delves into themes like identity, morality, and privilege, sparking deep thoughts and making it a show worth pondering over.

Moreover, the “Ripley” series highlights how compelling character-driven narratives can significantly impact television. Instead of following predictable storylines, this series delves into the depths of its main character, creating a multifaceted and engaging plot that encourages you to ponder larger social themes.

The “Ripley” series brilliantly transforms Patricia Highsmith’s intricate character into a fresh and captivating adaptation. Andrew Scott’s exceptional performance and the exploration of profound and sometimes challenging topics make this series both engaging and thought-provoking. It provides an entertaining yet intellectually enriching viewing experience for you.

The show “Ripley” dives deep into themes like identity, morality, and privilege, making it a significant addition to modern TV. It pushes viewers to think critically about its complex and intense storyline. As the series progresses, it aims to have a lasting effect, not just as an exciting show, but also as a thought-provoking reflection on what it means to be human.

Television these days tends to focus on superficial stories, but “Ripley” is different. It shows how storytelling can delve into the depths of human behavior. If you’re into psychological thrillers and dramas that focus on characters, “Ripley” is a show you don’t want to miss. It reshapes the genre and raises the bar for top-notch TV entertainment.

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